“We cannot go on with the old
model of an economy built on debt. An irresponsible public spending boom, an
overblown banking sector and unsustainable consumer borrowing on the back of a
housing bubble were the features of an age of irresponsibility that left
Britain so exposed to this economic crisis. They cannot be the sources of
sustainable growth for the future…We will build a more balanced economy which
does not depend so heavily on the success of financial services, and where all
parts of the country share in the gains…In the coming months we want to unite
the country behind this new British economic model” George Osborne (2010) ‘A
New Economic Model: Eight Benchmarks for Britain’, p.1.
Back in February 2010 the Chancellor wrote the above as a preface
to a document which outlined the Conservative vision of a new economic model
for Britain. The theme of rebalancing featured prominently in the eight
benchmarks outlined in the document, which were to provide the gauge against
which the performance of a Conservative government might be judged[1].
But with our economy apparently on the mend, we seem much further from the kind
of sustainable model described in Osborne’s 2010 vision. We have instead done what’s
easy and embarked on a strategy of reflating the housing bubble, predominantly
in London, creating all kinds of uncertainties going forward.
The basic post-crisis story is one of a two speed economy.
This can be seen in the regional breakdown of the UK’s GVA growth (GVA being
the standard ONS measure of output). The two charts below show that in the
pre-crisis period between 1997-2006, London and the SE accounted for 37.3% of
all GVA growth. Post crisis, this figure rises to 47.7%. If we were to strip
out inflation, the picture is even more bleak with many regions still below
their pre-crisis peak, illustrating just how far London has pulled away from
the rest of the UK economy since the crisis. I am fairly confident the
2012-2013 picture will, if anything, show London taking an even greater percentage
of national GVA growth.
Figure 1
The regional GVA figures only run up to year end 2011. But
it is possible to get a sense of the form and extent of the current recovery
using output GVA by sector. Figure 2 below shows that by end of year 2012 only
three sectors had recovered their pre-crisis output performance: i)
Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing (which represents a negligible part of the
UK economy in monetary terms and broadly reflects rising commodity prices) ii) Business
Services & Finance and iii) Government & Other Services. And even here
growth was concentrated in a few narrow areas: motor vehicle repairs, admin and
support services and real estate (mainly in London, but more on that later). Meanwhile
health and education spending kept government services on the up. However since
2013 there has been broader sectoral growth (figure 3), particularly in
professional, admin and support services and also in the wholesale and retail
trade. Some growth is to be expected as concerns about the Eurozone crisis
recede, as pent up demand relaxes and business confidence improves. But the
precise form of the recovery and its sustainability are shaped by government
programmes. So are we seeing the kind of economy that Osborne envisaged?
Figure 2
Figure 3
The answer to that really depends on the way the economy
moves. Growth in one market or region can unexpectedly transmit confidence,
investment and job growth to other parts of the economy in ways that are
difficult to predict. But I am not too confident about this scenario and the
immediate signs do not augur well.
The particular form of the recovery in the UK has been shaped
by three central interventions: Quantitative Easing, Funding For Lending and
Help To Buy. First, QE which was supposed to (among other things) lead to more lending
to the productive economy, fostering a ‘march
of the makers’. This was supported
by Funding for Lending, which to date
has pumped a total
of £17.6bn into banks and building societies. Neither has met their
perceived aims. Net lending to business has in fact been negative on an annual
basis since QE began in March 2009 with little deviation from that trend as
Funding for Lending was rolled out in July 2012 (figure 4). Corporates have
instead paid back bank debt and
bought back shares by issuing bonds to massage EPS figures and trigger bonuses
for the board; meanwhile investment is still pretty insipid – hovering at around
20% below the August 2007 figure. Unsecured lending to individuals however has
increased: credit card loans were up
4.5% on an annualised basis in August 2013, while other unsecured loans
were up 4%. Secured lending has also been rising steadily since mid-2012, perhaps
showing some benefits of Funding for Lending; but there is evidence to suggest
that these mortgage-related loans have been regionally concentrated in the
London area, pushing up prices above the already eye-watering pre-crisis highs –
which takes us to Help To Buy.
Figure 4
Source: Bank Of England ‘Trends In Lending’ October 2013,
Help To Buy equity
loans and mortgage guarantees have effectively pump-primed housing demand (with
negligible effects on supply). Via the equity loan, government lends homebuyers
up to 20% of the purchase price of a new build house up to £600,000. The more
controversial mortgage guarantee provides banks with free insurance on up to
15% of the value of any mortgage loans issued. All of this is geared towards top-down
growth - encouraging the upper middle classes to dis-save in the hope that ‘dwellings
investment’ (private new builds plus extensions on private houses) would restore
confidence and kick start consumption spillovers. This is also why the
government has also been so keen to relax planning regulation
on building extensions.
The benefits of all three interventions have disproportionately
accrued to London. Figure 5 shows an index of average regional house prices
rebased to August 2007, illustrating just how far London has pulled away from
the rest of the UK housing market: prices in the capital are now 14% above
where they were back then. This has not just been driven by hot money from
rich, foreign investors in the prime market where 60% are cash buyers. Despite
the hullabaloo about prices in Kensington, the prime market in London is only
around 7% of the capital’s total; in fact London is the region with the lowest
percentage of cash buyers in the country by a distance (24% vs 39% in the
SW). This means a greater proportion of buyers require borrowing in London
relative to elsewhere. And although transaction volumes appear to rise and fall
in lock step across the country, London’s volumes are now the highest
relatively at around 62% of the August 2007 peak compared to other regions
which run from the low 40%s to high 50%s from peak (figure 6). So London has a
higher number of transactions relative to peak with a smaller percentage of
cash buyers.
Figure 5
Figure 6
The house prices and the growing volume of transactions in
London have been driven by an expansion of secured lending, under-written in
various ways by government. This has been reinforced by an expansion of
unsecured credit, also underwritten by recent interventions. These, in turn,
have kicked multipliers into the London economy. But can this last?
It is difficult to escape the image of London breaking free
from its moorings in the national economy, just as the value of its real estate
becomes detached from any fundamentals. If London real estate is 14% higher
than peak on just over 60% of volumes, then London houses look increasingly
like a kind of (state-subsidised) collectors market bubble whereby it is the
imagined attributes of the asset within a relatively small community of buyers that
drives prices beyond underlying fundamentals. The fundamentals in question are
wages. As figure 7 shows, median house prices are now virtually unsustainable
at around 9 times FTE earnings in London; with the Midlands, North and Wales
hovering around a more modest 5.5X to 6.5X. We should also not forget that
intra-regional inequality is just as important as inter-regional inequality.
London has rafts of low and modestly paid workers – and at the lowest paid end,
those conditions are worsening (figure 8). These income constraints represent a
kind of risk threshold – prices can continue to rise relative to income, but
they can only do so at greater risk of collapse. Only this time when the bubble
goes pop, the government and the Help To Buy generation who have invested some
equity will be the ones who take the downside.
Figure 7
Figure 8
Source: Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE),
cross-sectional dataset. http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/about-ons/business-transparency/freedom-of-information/what-can-i-request/published-ad-hoc-data/labour/october-2013/low-pay-in-london--1997-2012.xls
So here are some troubling questions:
1. London prices are 14% above the pre-crisis
August 2007 level on just over 60% of the volumes. Can those low volumes
support high prices over the longer term? Or alternatively can volumes increase
without prices falling, given the income constraint? Either way, the
sustainability of the price boom (and the multipliers that accrue during an
uplift) look shaky.
2. If prices were to waver, how would government
respond, given it has taken on a £130bn
contingent liability – equivalent to 8% of GDP - through the mortgage
guarantee scheme? Should it extend its equity involvement to 25% or 30% to make
mortgage payments more manageable for households and bring in a greater volume
of buyers? Should it extend larger guarantees to the banks to lubricate the
wheels of debt issuance and ensure prices move upwards? What looked like an
initial injection to spark the recovery, very quickly becomes mission creep.
3. Inflation is an inconceivable threat in the
short to medium term, but what about in 5 to 7 years time? Government, as an
equity holder in the UK’s housing stock and guarantor of banks’ mortgage loans,
now has a vested financial interest in stable/rising house prices. Given that
high house price to income ratios are only sustainable in a low mortgage
interest rate environment, how might government respond if the Bank of England
concludes that interest rate rises are necessary at some point in the future? Or
what happens if ruptures in the interbank/money markets reappear and cause mortgage
rates to rise? Even modest rate rises could lead to mortgage defaults, collapsing
confidence, fire sales and falling prices when households are geared to the max
in a low rate environment. By taking a directional bet on property, government is
invested in a ‘close to zero’ interest rate regime, irrespective of what
uncertainties lie ahead. This stores up all kinds of potential economic and
political tensions going forward.
Through Help to Buy and other interventions, government has gone
long Britain. That may sound like a good thing, a patriotic thing even, but it
is not. This is an all-in move by the Chancellor, which is a problem. Like any
complex system, an economy needs buffers and release valves to prevent overheating
or interference in one area that might cause total seizure. His interventions
have done the opposite. What if Eurozone problems resurface? What if another
bank is hit by unexpected losses, and LIBOR rates rise? This growth model is
not built with what ifs in mind; there
are few system redundancies to deal with the unexpected. We are long house
price growth, long low interest rates, long consumer appetite for debt, long the
Eurozone, long bank stability, long consumers’ ability to transcend their
financial constraints and keep buying more expensive houses.
Finally, what of Osborne’s noble ambitions set out at the
top of this post? When push came to shove he bottled it. He did what was easy: state
intervention to help rebuild fractured supply chains and invest in growth requires
skill, guile, political and economic nous and courage to fend off the vultures.
The de facto part-nationalisation of
the private housing stock (and that’s what Help To Buy is, in effect) to prop
up an over-heated property market and save the banks from further write-downs
is the easiest thing you can do as a Chancellor in such times, with an election
looming. This recovery looks much less like the new model promised by Osborne, and
much more like an unstable version of the old one.
Although the original link to those eight benchmarks has disappeared
from the Conservative website, it is possible to access the whole report via
the search function.